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Chat 15595 by Anonymous on 06/02/2011

MuffinMn626> FUCK PEOPLE
MuffinMn626> i jsut got fucked over
Jin_Iz_Back> what happened this time
MuffinMn626> bah
MuffinMn626> you no faustina right?
MuffinMn626> well like, she signed on
MuffinMn626> and she told me that she liked me at the end of the year
MuffinMn626> so im like "wow..thats really cool, im flattered"
MuffinMn626> and we got all talkign and shit
MuffinMn626> then she sigend off randomly
Jin_Iz_Back> ...
Jin_Iz_Back> uh huh
MuffinMn626> she jsut signed on right now..and i said "hey, why you sign off so suddnley last night?"
MuffinMn626> she siad "i wasnt on last night..my cousin was..why?"
MuffinMn626> damnit
Jin_Iz_Back> HOLY SHIt
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