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Chat 9002 by Anonymous on 15/01/2011

<maba>: i just had the WORST geek moment of my life, im actually ashamed of myself
<maba>: i was reading a book cause im bored of WoW and i went to set it down to go make some supper
<maba>: i looked at the page number and memorized it (unconsciously) and went and made food
<maba>: took me like like 35 mins to cook and eat right?
<maba>: i came back in my room and the book was closed, i picked it up and though "what was my page number again?"
<maba>: then i go "ah yeah it was the first 3 prime numbers".
<jared>: ...
<mrbips>: you...that...jesus christ, i cant think of anything to add to that to make it sound worse!
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